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Fees at Snip (updated again) 06/29/2004 01:00:00, Korba
From July 10th for each successful shot a small fee will be collected.
Each hit, ie. the shot that wins your auction, will cost 0.60 Polish zloty
(~0.19 US$, ~0.15 EURO). All unsuccessful shots will remain free
regardless of the reason for their failure or their number and frequency.
Additionally, every new user (and all current registered users, of course)
will get 5 free hits to let you try out Snip without any risk or expense.
Fees will affect successful shots that are made as of July 10. 2004,
00:00:00 CEST (July 9. 22:00:00 GMT, July 9. 15:00:00 PDT)
Update (06/30/2004)
For more than two and half years Snip was free. This doesn't of course
mean that it didn't generate any costs - they were simply covered
by myself. But as Snip grows and therefore its costs grow with it, I'm no
longer able to pay all the bills. And my financial limitations cause
functional limitations of Snip. Half a year ago I had to set
the limit of the concurrent shots
that every week causes rejections of more than 3000 shots you'd like
to schedule.
I have always treated Snip as my hobby, not as a "e-commerce business".
And I want this relationship to stay this way. However, most of all I want Snip
to work and develop flawlessly. I know my decision is hard and many of you
may dislike it. I just hope you will understand me. If I sold Snip to a commercial
company aimed for profits (I had some offers), payments would appear sooner
or later and for sure the fees would be much higher. I don't need to employ
secretaries or a whole marketing department, so costs are kept to a minimum.
Some technical details: you can purchase hits using a credit card
or making a money transfer. For now, however, we only have a Polish
bank account for money transfers, which makes this way available
to Polish residents only (international transfers tend to be very expensive).
I will try to establish an account within the EU soon. If you know of a bank
in the EU (and in the English/German language zone - Great Britain,
Germany, Austria) that is "Internet-friendly ", supports international
transfers and that you'd like to recommend, please
let us know.
Payments by credit card are available worldwide. Details about payments
are described in the help section. You can check
your account status at My Snip / Account
page. Finally, you can purchase snipes here.
As a reward for those of you who trust us the most all payments made
prior to July 10th will be rewarded with 20% bonus - for every 5 hits
purchased you'll get 1 free. Thereafter, the regular bonus will be 10%.
All of you who will continue using Snip, please accept my thanks for
your trust. I promise to do my best to keep Snip developing and placing
your bids with the highest precision possible.
- Credit Card payments are working now.
- Some of you wrote to us with the information, that after Poland has joined
European Union, money transfers from EU members to Poland are no longer
expensive, even free in some on-line banks! Please check it with your bank.
Our bank of course accepts any kind of international transfer in any currency.
I recommend this method of payment to all of you living in the EU!
Thank you and good luck,
Piotr Korba Tomczyk |