 My Snip 

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New e-mail address:

Enter at least one auction service ID used by you at Snip.

EBay ID:
Allegro ID:

Enter some information about your Snip account. It will be used to verify your request. The most helpful data is:
  • payment information - when did you pay, how much and how (money transfer, PayPal, credit card), e.g:
    November 2014, $3.80, money transfer (account holder: John Smith)
    4/10/2010, $7.60, PayPal (your PayPal e-mail address)
    July 20. 2007, 12 zloty, credit card (DO NOT give us your card number!)
  • information about your bids made with Snip - item numbers or auction titles
  • information about other auction service IDs registered on your Snip account, if any
You don't have to provide all the information. One full - that is, containing all the details - payment information is enough.

Human Input Challenge
Please enter digits (hint: there are no letters) shown on the picture. If they are unreadable, press "Reload page" button in your browser (and, if necessary, repeat until all digits become readable to you).
We are sorry for this inconvenience, but all those spam-bots are really annoying...

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